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Conduction of all examinations is the prime responsibilities of the Exam cell. Further, Exam cell coordinates with the University regarding all examination matters. Answer papers are assessed with accuracy and Results are declared within the stipulated time.
KJSIT Examination Cell follows the policies and guidelines of Controller of Examination (CoE) of UoM which ensures the smooth facilitation of examination at the Institute. Academic calendar at the Institute level has the scope for internal assessment which is in line with the university calendar. Institute contributes to the university examination evaluation process as a CAP centre.

Regular and KT students of sem I, II, VII and VIII need to fill online examform available on University website (MKCL).
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Ordinances Rule
The examinee shall be given the benefit of grace marks only for passing in each course / head of passing ( Theory / Practical / Oral / Sessional / TW ) in External/Semester End Examination or Internal examination Assessment
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On behalf of the University of Mumbai, Convocation ceremony is organized every year by K J Somaiya Institute of Technology in order to felicitate graduates.
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