Teaching Learning Processes

Teaching Learning Processes

Department academic calendar is prepared well in advance before the commencement of the semester based on college calendar of events.

It consists of the activities planned for the semester: includes internal test dates, conduction of activities like organizing guest lectures, workshops, conferences, technical/cultural/sports week, PTM, project presentation, Term End Submission etc.

Subject distribution is done at the end of the working semester so that the staff well aware of their subject for the upcoming semester and accordingly prepares notes and plan for the current semester.

The academic calendar of the Institute and department is prepared well in advance to facilitate proper planning and to make the concerned faculty aware of their responsibilities for the complete semester.

The students are made aware of the timetable, academic calendar and roll list by updating the same on the Institute website and notice board a few days before the start of the semester. Class teachers are also appointed for the respective class. All the information about Continuous Assessment Report (CAR) and rubrics are provided to the students at the beginning of the semester.

The faculty prepares and updates course file which includes detailed teaching plan, laboratory plan along with notes and other study material, university question papers along with the solution, assignment questions and their expected answers etc.

According to the teaching plan, work done has been inculcated in the academic file to ensure coverage of syllabus duly monitored by Programme Assessment Committee (PAC).

Weekly and monthly coverage of syllabus and adherence to teaching plan is monitored

All the faculty members maintain Attendance records and Academic dairies.

Academic Committee (AC), as well as the HOD, ensures smooth conduction of lectures and practical’s. Academic audit which may be internal/ external is conducted to ensure the compliance.

As per the university guidelines, faculty members conduct 10-12 experiments. One or two experiments are conducted beyond the specified list but relevant to the courses. Laboratory manual explaining the details of the experiment is available with the course teacher and are given to students at the time of commencement of the semester.

Assignments are given to the students for their better performance and to boost critical thinking.

Module exit surveys are conducted at the end of every module to check the students understanding for necessary action

Continuous evaluation of experiments/tutorials/assignments based on defined rubrics is carried out throughout the semester

Internal assessment and tutorials are conducted to evaluate student’s performances. The result of Internal Assessment is analyzed and mapped with the Course Outcomes. This enables faculty to adopt any remedial actions.

Tutorial/Remedial classes are conducted for the slow learners based on their performance in external exams and after the first internals.

Mid academic monitoring is conducted by Academic Monitoring Committee to verify the coverage of syllabus along with the monthly monitoring by HOD.

Progress presentations are planned for project based learning to improve presentation and communication skills

Solved university question papers and project books are prepared and made available for student’s reference

Attendance review is done every month. All the parents are intimated about the status of the student’s performance along with their Internal Assessment marks. Parent Teacher Meeting is scheduled once/twice in a semester so that the parents are aware of the student’s performance and also of the Institute activities. The feedback form is collected from the parents after the meet which includes their suggestions for implementation.

For low attendance students, extra lectures are conducted to make up their attendance. Steps are taken to improve student’s attendance by calling & meeting parents, messaging their parents on regular basis.

Course exit surveys are conducted at the end of every semester to check the student’s satisfaction.

Program exit survey is conducted for final year students to check the student’s satisfaction for overall Program.

Course files are prepared for every subject which contains direct and indirect assessments and activities carried out throughout the semester for that subject.

Term End Report is generated which contains complete record of academic teaching learning along with co-curricular and extracurricular activities for the all-round growth of students and faculty also.

Student Satisfaction Surveys & additional Facilities surveys are conducted for the continuous improvement in Teaching learning Processes.

Invited talks and seminars on the current trends are conducted regularly from the industry persons or alumni.

Industrial visits are conducted at least once a year to fill the gap between industry and institute.

Workshops are organized to help the students to understand concepts beyond curriculum.

Annual Technical as well as Cultural festivals are organized along with Sport festival for overall growth of the students.

One to one discussion, interaction between Professors and students under Mentor/Proctor system has increased confidence levels of the students through mentoring system.

Proctor system helps to mentor the students for his personal and professional growth and development.

Faculty members motivate and guide students for higher studies and to achieve university ranks.

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