Software Development Cell

Software Development Cell, KJSIT is an established cell, group of faculty members and students of the institute, who intend to put theory into practice and make use of their knowledge for betterment of society as a whole.This cell has been undertaking software consultancy projects since its creation in 2014. The ventures undertaken by SDC are developed mainly by faculties and students of the institute. SDC has been helping students gain knowledge profusely about the world of coding and development by providing them with opportunities of internships, thus aiding in building the student’s strong foundation of technical knowledge, which is important in today’s competitive environment. SDC has received consultancy of Rs.67 Lakhs.

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SDC aims to

  • Provide a platform to the students where they can work on real time projects.
  • Provide opportunities for internships to the students at KJSIT and industries.
  • Build strong foundation of technical knowledge by teaching different recent technologies required by industries
  • Develop various software required by the institute and also provide consultancy to industries and other academic institutions.
  • Conduct different technical sessions for final year students which help them for placement.

SDC Committee

Shyamal Virnodkar

Assistant Prof

Computer Engineering

Sarika Bhosale

Assistant Prof


Kavita Bathe

Assistant Prof

Computer Engineering

Prashant Sawant

Assistant Prof

Information Technology

Mrunali Desai

Assistant Prof

Computer Engineering

Consultancy Projects

Business to Business portal

Organization: Godavari Biorefineries Ltd. Sameerwadi, Karnataka
Academic Year : 2019-20
Consultancy Amount (Rs.) : 8,19,121.00

Admission data process management application

Organization: G.V.Acharya Institute of Engineering and Information Technology (GVAIET) Mumbai.
Academic Year: 2016-17, 2017-18
Consultancy Amount (Rs.): 90,000/-

This software is used by GVAET for admission process of First year, Direct Second Year, Regular-Second Year, Third Year, Final Year for two years 2016-17 and 2017-18.

KisanKhazana (Healthy Earth Wealthy Farmer) Mobile Application

Organization: Godavari Biorefineries Ltd. Sameerwadi, Karnataka
Academic Year: 2016-17, 2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20
Consultancy Amount (Rs.): 46,00,000/-

This mobile application is successfully used by almost 3000 Farmers of Karnataka.This mobile application is available in English, Kannad and Marathi. New Development in mobile application is ongoing. This Mobile application is available in English, Kannada and Marathi language

Kisan Khazana Admin Panel

Organization: Godavari Biorefineries Ltd. Sameerwadi, Karnataka
Academic Year: 2018-19, 2019-20
Consultancy Amount (Rs.): 4,17,248/-

This is used by GBL staff for reporting of Mobile Application Data, Product Stock verification and updating the contents shown in HEWF Mobile App like Product related data, Addition of New Knowledge items.

Examination Process Management software

Organization: K. J. Somaiya College ofScience and Commerce
Academic Year: 2018-19, 2019-20
Consultancy Amount (Rs.): 5,13,313/-

This software is successfully used by KJSCSC for result processing of October 2018, March 2019 and October 2019 examinations.

Institute Level Projects

KJSIT MHTCET Mock Test 2020

K.J.Somaiya Institute of Technology
Academic Year: 2019-2020
Faculty Involved: Kavita Bathe, Mrunali Desai

Developed Registration panel and online payment system

Feedback Software

K.J.Somaiya Institute of Technology
Academic Year: 2015-16, 2016-17, 2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20
Faculty Involved: Mrunali Desai, Nilambari Joshi Santosh Jadhav, Kavita Bathe

This feedback software is successfully used by the institute for taking student feedback since 2015-16 till date.

Admission Process Management Application

K.J.Somaiya Institute of Technology
Academic Year: 2014-15, 2015-16, 2016-17 2017-18, 2018-19
Faculty Involved: Shyamal Virnodkar, Kavita Bathe Mrunali Desai, Nilambari Joshi Santosh Jadhav

This software used by KJSIT for First Year(FE),Direct Second Year(DSE),Regular Students (SE,TE,BE) admissions


Nilambari Joshi


Promising Faculty award from Somaiya Trust

Kavita Bathe


Chairman’s Award for Interdisciplinary Projects

Shyamal Virnodkar


Outstanding Performance in Teaching for the Academic year 2013-14

Shyamal Virnodkar
Kavita Bathe
Mrunali Desai
Nilambari Joshi
Santosh Jadhav


Felicitation on Engineers day for developing Admission software with Trophy

Badal Davda


Promising Faculty award from Somaiya Trust

Tejas Bharambe


26-09-2016 Certified Ethical Hacker

Aditya Maharaja


Selected in Top 20 in deep blue competition top 20 and got super team award

Got Internship and Selected for Teach for India NGO

Winner in PATW

Conducted a session on design thinking in kjsit

National level project competition I’st prize 2017

Akshat Jain


7 Selected in Top 20 in deep blue competition top 20 and got super team award

Selected for Teach for India NGO

National level project competition ist price 2017

Chairman’s Award for Interdisciplinary Projects : Ms. Kavita Bathe (Dept. of Computer Engg.)

Internship Provided

Academic Year No of students
2015-16 39
2016-17 7
2017-18 18
2018-19 12
2019-20 11
Total 87

Students experience at SDC

Avinash Bherulal Kothari

The first two years of engineering were going through with only studies and hanging out with friends but there was nothing that gave a feeling of professionalism as a budding engineer. In the latter half of second year, SDC came into picture. That was the moment when I felt something worthy can be done. SDC provided us an exposure to real life problems faced by the Sameerwadi KIAAR lab. As we say a catalyst is required to speed up the chemical reaction, joining SDC was the catalyst here. SDC gave me the confidence to apply my knowledge to its fullest. The pillars of SDC: Shyamal Ma'am, Kavita Ma'am, Nilambari Ma'am, Mrunali Ma'am and Santosh Sir always helped us throughout our journey. Joining SDC was the start to a chain reaction of us getting into Deep Blue Contest and then getting a year-long internship opportunity with Teach for India. SDC was a big break to my professional career.

Ketan Ravindra Pansare

About SDC: Well, my experience with SDC (Software Development Cell) was very enriching and also got a great learning platform about how to work in a dedicated team and try to come up with solution for a particular problem.

I also learned about team co-operation and how to optimize a solution to bring out even better results and keep on improving. Also the support we got from all SDC professors was very inspiring and they kept us pushing forward even when we were stuck with difficult problems to find our solutions.

Message for juniors: To juniors I would like to say Do join the SDC because it will not only help you in your programming and logical development but will also help you in understanding the team management and make your learning experience fun and memorable one.

Pradnya Soman

The software development cell in our college was born and was in its primitive form even before we joined the college. Back then, it had no name, no structure and no formal establishment. All it consisted was a group of enthusiastic professors and some really talented and curious students who were our seniors. I remember, when I became a student of KJSIT, I always wondered about the next four years of my life, as to how they would be. Would they be just like the ordinary four years of exams, studying, more exams and then graduating? Or will I get to do something really exciting? I wanted to do so much more than just the ordinary. I just didn’t know how.
And then one day in second year, Shyamal ma’am and Kavita ma’am came into our classroom and told us that there was a project; a project from Sameerwadi. And they needed a team of students to work on it; to develop it from scratch. And that was it! I had found my opportunity to do something more; to create something worthwhile.

We used to work after the college hours. I was finally applying my knowledge to reality and creating something new. We understood professionalism. We learned so many new technologies which we had never heard of! Our professors guided us. They helped us learn and showed us the right path when we faltered. And most importantly, they believed in us. I can never truly thank them enough for what they have done for us. Working with so many people in a team, leading them and having an experience like that at such an early stage changed me. It made me so much better than I was. I grew and became more confident. For us it was an experience of a lifetime.

The SDC is something every college should have. And we should be proud and honored that our college has provided us with this unique opportunity. So I encourage my juniors to join the SDC and let it help you grow and build your own self. There is nothing like creating something new and useful. You will be gaining so much knowledge. And teachers are like our parents. They will guide you through everything. You will really be able to creatively apply your knowledge and hone your skills. You will never get an experience like this anywhere outside! You get much more back from SDC than what you can give. Because, as Albert Einstein once said; “The only source of knowledge is experience”.

You get much more back from SDC than what you can give. Because, as Albert Einstein once said; “The only source of knowledge is experience”.

Badal Dawda

It is with a great pleasure I write that the first introduction to cloud computing I had got was through the Software Development Cell (SDC), when it did not even have a name. I learned about virtualization, about hypervisors in short about Cloud in my first of experiences as a college student.

At first I was really skeptical as I had zero knowledge about Cloud Computing. But Prof Nilambari Joshi helped us with the concepts and made us comfortable about it. I got most of my hands on Linux system and configuring different applications on it. And finally we created a single VM Open stack. It was a big deal for us as now it was making sense for us what cloud really was.

Talking about this was one of the major factors for me landing at Amazon Web Services as a Cloud Support Associate. And among fresher’s I felt that I had a head start as the concepts were not new for me. Even today my experience with SDC, My experiences at my college K. J. Somaiya Institute of Technology is helping me do better at AWS.


Aditya Maharaja

During my second year of engineering, I realized that I needed to do something where I can use my classroom learnings. Maybe, work on a project with a peer or do an internship. Luckily, that was the time when SDC-KJSIT came into existence. I embarked on a journey full of learnings and good experiences with a team of 10 on my life’s first real world project. The project not only helped to me use my classroom learnings and sharpen my technical skills but also supported me in honing my communication skills and time management. It was because of the qualities and the experiences gained here I further took part in various competitions and also managed to get an internship at one of the top NGOs of India. I would like to thank SDC for instilling this confidence in me. I would definitely ask my juniors to join it to improve your technical skills as there are lots of opportunities that will come to your way after this.

Saransh Jain

The journey with my SDC(Software Development Cell) was started as,

In the mid of my 2nd year of engineering, I was asked by my senior teacher, to join SDC to learn and develop some projects from Sameerwadi, located in the State of Karnataka. After few days a team called Software Development Cell (SDC) went to Sameerwadi and brought some amazing projects. Now here comes the real opportunity for me and my friends, as we youth freshers wanted to learn and have some practical knowledge about the real life projects. We all were freshers about the latest upcoming technology and we were told that to join out this team we have to give an interview process. A question came into all of our mind that, what will happen in this interview as we were not having any practical knowledge. But that interview is one of my memorable one as I was asked by my teacher, that although you don't know about the latest technology, but do you have determination to learn out those technology and to have practical knowledge about them?.

Because we (Teachers) are here to help out our KJSIT students. And that one supportive statement by our SDC teachers made me and my friends to join the SDC team. It was a great time for all our 14 member team including teachers. We learned how to help out each other, working late night in the college to have discussions on new technology, how should we learn them and implement the same in the given deadline, how to manage timing apart from college hours, the most important one was to solve out the errors at the time of deadline, we even spent our weekends in college to show faith and determination in completing the projects.

We created memories that remind us our those days. The project we made was at its nascent stage, but the time between our hardwork and managing our schedules apart from our academics, college and sports fests to complete out the tasks, we learned and had best experience of our college life. Even the SDC teachers worked with us after our college time, to clear our doubts and helped us in taking the decisions. We always cheer the learning from our SDC team and specially to our beloved principal, who showed a faith in us so that we could get some big projects from Sameerwadi in upcoming years.

A note to our juniors - If you have determination and faith in learning something, and if you want some kind of help or knowldege, our SDC team and SDC teachers are always there to help you out. And this real life experience of working on live projects will always help you in your future life and also in your interview.

Work Hard In Silence Let Your Success Make Noise.

Workshop/Seminar/Guest Lecture/Expert talk Conducted by SDC Members

Delivered Seminar on “Understanding Result Processing"

Mrunali Desai, Kavita Bathe


Vollege of Science and Commerce, Vidyavihar

Delivered Expert talk on “END to END Application Development in IOT”

Kavita Bathe, Mrunali Desai


Xavier Institute of Engineering, Mahim

Delivered Expert talk on “END to END Application Development”

Syamal Virnodkar


Shah and Anchor Kutchhi Engineering college, Chembur

Delivered Expert talk on “END to END Application Development”

Mrunali Desai


Shah and Anchor Kutchhi Engineering college, Chembur

Delivered Expert talk on “Role of SPA(Structured Programming Approach ) in Project Development for Students.

Shyamal Virnodkar, Kavita Bathe Mrunali Desai,



Two days workshop on “Android Application Development ” in “Industry Oriented Technology Workshop ” for students

Shyamal Virnodkar, Kavita Bathe Mrunali Desai,

24/02/2017 & 25/02/2017

Thakur College of Engineering., Kandivali

Seminar on “Software Development ” in Renaissance for students.

Shyamal Virnodkar, Kavita Bathe

Tech fest 2015-16


Expert talk on “Software Development Life Cycle”

Shyamal Virnodkar


Electronics Dept,Sion

One day workshop on “Web Development ” for faculties

Shyamal Virnodkar, Kavita Bathe Mrunali Desai,



SDC Faculty and student interaction with GB members
SDC Students Felicitation Program


Workshop Conducted at Thakur Engineering College,Kandivali
3 Days workshop on Internet of Things


Kavita Bathe, Mrunali Desai

Xavier Institute of Engineering, Mahim

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