Students Feedback

Students Feedback

“Teaching learning process and action taken”

Faculty Feedback questions are split in 3 categories Theory, Practical and Tutorial.

Students submit online feedback.

Feedback is taken twice a semester.

Feedback is taken anonymously.

Faculty wise report is generated, which gives feedback percentage separately for high attendance as well as for lower attendance students.

Feedback is analyzed and corrective measures are taken.

Faculty members with lower feedback score are advised to take corrective action and are evaluated for the coming semesters.

Questions are set by senior faculty members and are verified with Dean Academics, HODs and Principal. The process is approved by IQAC.

Faculty Feedback questions are split in 3 categories Theory, Practical and Tutorial.

  • Feedback from the students with less than 60% attendance

  • Feedback from the students with more than 60% attendance

Faculty member with highest feedback in the semester is appreciated by giving appreciation letter.

“Rewards and Corrective Measures taken”

Faculty members with students’ feedback above 80% will be rewarded by issuing Certificate of Appreciation for each course.

Faculty are briefed about their first feedback and advised with corrective measures so that they can improve their performance before the second feedback.

The feedback is analyzed by HOD and is shared with the teachers and are counseled or appreciated based on the feedback.

If the students’ feedback falls below 70%, the faculty will be counseled individually by the HOD/Principal and the faculty will be advised and suggestion will be given to further improvement of performance.

The faculty are encouraged and financed to attend the STTP, FDP, seminar, workshop etc. to upgrade their knowledge and skills.

“Other Feedbacks”

Feedback in our Institute is conducted at different levels. We try our best to consider inputs from various sources to improve our student support system.

“Students Feedback”

Module Exit Surveys

Course Exit Surveys

Program Exit Surveys

Online anonymous feedback (Twice a semester)

Facility feedback / student satisfaction survey

“Other Stakeholders Feedback ”

Alumni Feedback

Parent Feedback

Advisory Committee Feedback

“Peer Feedback regarding academics”

Academic audit (Department specific Audit, Faculty Specific Audit)

Project feedback by external examiners

Annual performance audit of faculty members is carried out with ‘Self-Appraisal Verification’ along with feedback from Governing Body regarding academic and administrative improvements.

The Institute has made provision for interacting with and obtaining feedback from all stakeholders. Student interaction is through the Student Council and various student committees and chapters. Current students and alumni are part of advisory boards like DAB, IQAC and DQC. Institute has a Proctor system and proctor meetings are a window to interact with the students.

Regular parent-teacher meetings every semester are another feature. The parent feedback is collected at the Parent-Teacher Meeting. Online feedback is also collected from parents through Google form. Parents are also part of departmental advisory committees. Feedback from students is also obtained twice a semester through an online feedback system which also provides anonymity, thereby giving students an opportunity to speak their mind.

The feedback considers all the dimensions of the teaching-learning process such as lesson plan, student interactions, clearance of doubts, communication, pace of coverage, subject knowledge, punctuality, etc. Students have to fill the feedback online. The analysis of this feedback is done and the remarks are conveyed to the teachers for improvement by the Head of the departments.

Module Exit Surveys are conducted for early identification of lacuna in the teaching-learning process. These surveys are conducted at the end of every module that provide the information about the understanding of the module. Action based on module exit survey is taken for clarifying/solving the doubts of the students as and when required. Course exit survey is also filled by the student for every course at the end of every semester and final year students complete a programme exit survey. Institute also collects feedback from alumni. These feedbacks are analysed and appropriate measures are taken to rectify any deficiencies.

For interacting with alumni, Institute has a registered body of Alumni and we conduct alumni meet once a year to share the experiences, progress of the alumni and discussing with them about how the alumni can associate with the organisation to empower and motivate their juniors who are learning in the Institute. There is also an online alumni portal through which feedback is obtained also whenever alumni meet or visit the institute the feedback is collected from them.

Interaction with Industry experts through IIIC, T&P cell, R&D cell and industry experts on board / various committees enable us to get the industry perspective.

“Frequency of Collection and Evaluation”

Student Online Feedback: First feedback evaluation is made in the sixth week of the semester and second feedback evaluation is made before the commencement of second internal assessment test. Around 70-80% students participate in the process of feedback collection. Verbal feedback is also collected from the students by visiting the respective classes to improve the Teaching Learning process. Corrective measures are taken based on the analysis of online feedback and the oral discussion.

“Rewards and Corrective Measures taken”

Faculty members with students’ feedback above 80% will be rewarded by issuing Certificate of Appreciation for each course.

Faculty are briefed about their first feedback and advised with corrective measures so that they can improve their performance before the second feedback.

The feedback is analysed by HOD and is shared with the teachers and are counselled or appreciated based on the feedback.

If the students’ feedback falls below 70%, the faculty will be counselled individually by the HOD/Principal and the faculty will be advised and suggestion will be given to further improvement of performance.

The faculty are encouraged and financed to attend the STTP, FDP, seminar, workshop etc. to upgrade their knowledge and skills.

External academic audit is conducted by faculty from prestigious accredited Institutes. The feedback given by them has been very useful and has resulted in some policy decisions. The Institute is using the audit as a catalyst to bring about change and improve academic and non-academic domains.

Institute has a Proctor system and proctor meetings are a window to interact with the students. The respective proctors interact with allotted students and collect their feedback / suggestions. Corrective measures on feedback are taken by the HOD.

Feedback from different sources are analysed by departments and is discussed during HOD meetings and changes are incorporated in the action plan based on inputs. The activities during the year are planned according to needs of students and current trends in industry.

The student community interacts with leadership through the Student Welfare Committee which deals with the student council and various professional chapters. Alumni feedback is channelized through a dedicated alumni committee. All the inputs are communicated by the principal to the GB and vice versa.

Decisions are taken considering feedback received from all stakeholders. Information is shared during meetings about interactions with all stakeholders. There are two GB and LMC meetings in a year and monthly meetings of Heads of Institutions at trust level. Head of the Institution conducts regular meeting with HODs. Periodic meetings are held with the committee members and coordinators of all committees as per requirement. The frequency of meeting depends on the portfolio of the committee. Common meeting with faculty is held whenever required and at least twice a semester. There is regular and constant interaction with students besides meetings with Student council which enable to gauge the pulse of the students. We also have a suggestion box in the common corridor.

Suggestions for curriculum improvement usually arise from students, parents, alumni and industry experts. The department invites alumni/subject experts for lectures based on this feedback. Improvement in industry interaction and expert lectures are a result of collective feedback from advisory committees and alumni. Student feedback mostly happens in an informal manner and is noted by the concerned subject faculty. From last year, syllabus revision is in progress in UoM and many faculties have tried to obtain feedback from peers and students orally and also by means of online/offline forms and the suggestions are informed to the respective syllabus revision committees.

Term end report is submitted by departments and committees every semester. All this information is published as a college newsletter; in addition, all departments publish a newsletter every semester which is communicated to faculty and students of that department.

“Feedback on facilities”

There has always been a major emphasis on making the Institute a vibrant place by providing various facilities for the stakeholders. In accordance with the Institute policy, the department has well-equipped laboratories, classrooms, seminar / tutorial rooms, garden and technology enabled learning spaces. Apart from this there are many other facilities also available such as computerization of the campus, attendance monitoring system, feedback system, display of notifications with LED TV display, Automated control of lights and fans, Motion sensors on staircases and washrooms, Public address system, CCTV surveillance, 150 Mbps internet connectivity, Wi-Fi Access, indoor and outdoor sports facilities, fire alarm systems etc.

The facilities for cultural and technical events are provided by the institute to help the overall development of the students. For extra-curricular and co-curricular activities various facilities have been made to accommodate various bodies like e-Yantra, Cyber Security and Research Cell, IoT cell, Robotics Cell, Software Development Cell etc.

At the institute level student satisfaction survey is conducted to analysis overall aspects. This survey is also helpful to analyse the various facilities provided by the institute. Every academic year department takes the feedback on facilities. Feedback analysis is used for the betterment of the department and institute. Suggestions mentioned are considered and needed actions have been taken. Feedback on facilities is also taken from parents at the time of Parent teacher meeting. The department also collects feedback from alumni and graduating students in their final year.


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